Have you ever thought that what you do affects the earth? That when you throw away tins and bottles you are killing animals? Have you ever thought attitude is what makes the difference? Well if you’ve done these things, listen closely, because you’re in for a shock.
Did you know that what you the difference. Yes, granted, you might just be one person, but we are a world, and a world that needs help. With countries like China burning fossil fuels into the atmosphere we have to act and know. So armed with that piece of knowledge we have to act, and fast.
Did you know that by throwing away recyclable items such as tins and bottles you are causing unnecessary pollution? By chucking recyclable materials you are not only destroying our fragile environment but you are needlessly killing animals and fish. So think next time you go to the bin, who will this affect?
Without the right attitude you are one of many helping destroy this earth. If everyone thought it doesn’t matter what I do, I’m just one person. That is a deadly attitude; with that attitude this world would definitely die. People who make the difference are the ones who make a change. So if you do act know, it surely be too late.
So if you still think sustainability isn’t real you’re a strong believer, but as we all know, our world needs us, so we must act.
By The Unknown Seeker